
The glistening surface of Halong Bay provides the perfect emerald canvas for kayaking, offering one of the most memorable experiences in the area. It’s a profound activity that often creates lasting memories due to the sheer beauty on display. Paddling along, you can gaze up at the tree-covered peaks of mountains, glide serenely along their bases, weave through the dancing shadows of trees around lagoons, and dock in coves to explore untouched shorelines. Each moment is a captivating experience for passengers, and all of these are made possible on the V’Spirit Cruise.

The tranquility of kayaking is heightened in the quieter corners of Halong Bay, particularly in the Tra Bau area, a destination visited by the V’Spirit Cruise. Here, passengers can discover a local area of exquisite, unspoiled beauty where some of the local residents live on floating rafts at the base of forest-clad mountains.